Our children are the cornerstone of the Jewish family and life. 

At the Chabad Jewish Center of Mountain View we put a strong emphasis on children and education.

Some of our ongoing and upcoming  programs include:

CKids Jewish Enrichment Club
Where Jewish kids get together to explore Jewish life and knowledge with fun enrichment programs.

Mommy & Me
Join Esti and other local moms for a fun, mommy & me program.

The Gan Torah Preschool
A full or part day preschool program for children aged 18 months to entering Kindergarten.

Yossi's Children's Library
A children's lending library with over 800 Jewish books and media.

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Program
Prepare for the big day with Chabad.

Please call us at 650.332.9062 or email [email protected] for more information.