Tzedakah (צְדָקָה)—often translated as charity—is a mainstay of Jewish life. The sages teach that the world was built upon kindness. Tzedakah goes one step beyond. Literally translated as “justice” or “righteousness,” tzedakah tells us that sharing what we have with others isn't something special. It's the honest and just thing to do.

Tzedakah is not limited to gifts of money. Sharing time, expertise, or even a kind smile are all forms of charity.

No matter how much you were blessed with, you can always share with others. Throwing a coin into a charity box every morning (except for Shabbat and Jewish holidays) sets the tone for the rest of the day. So make sure to make it a habit.

More about Tzedakah

Where to give your Tzedakah

There are many worthy causes to donate your Tzedakah money, here are a few ideas to get you started:

Friends & Family - We may know someone in need who can use our help, anonymous donations are a much greater form of Tzedakah and kindness, so find a way to donate secretly or ask a third party (we would be glad to help) to anonymously pass on the gift.

Refugees in Ukraine - Help provide food, shelter and much needed supplies to the thousands of Jews stuck in war torn Ukraine

Needy Families in Israel - Colel Chabad provides food kitchens, food deliveries, medical care, social services and more to needy families living in Israel

Lone Soldiers in Israel - Chayal el Chayal is a home away from home for Lone Soldiers serving in the Israel Defence Forces

Your local Institutions - At the Chabad Jewish Center of Mountain View we create a hub of Jewish learning and activity right here in our community