The High Holidays

The two-day holiday of Rosh Hashana is the head of the Jewish year, the time when G‑d reinvests Himself in creation as we crown Him king of the universe through prayer, shofar blasts, and celebration.

We celebrate Rosh Hashana by listening to the Shofar, eating apples dipped in honey and praying for a sweet new year.

A week later, the High Holidays reach their crescendo with Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Like angels, we neither eat nor drink for 25 hours. Dressed in white, we pray in the synagogue—united as one people, children of One Father.

2024 High Holiday Dates:

Rosh Hashana: Wednesday evening through Friday evening
October 2-4, 2024

Yom Kippur: Friday evening through Saturday evening
October 11-12, 2024


Pre-Holiday Programs

CKids Rosh Hashana Airlines

Grab your boarding passes and fanny packs and get ready for the most epic in-flight entertainment and snacks yet!

Tuesday, September 24
4:00 PM


Rosh Hashana Challah Bake

Enjoy an evening of Jewish unity, inspiration and fun, as we learn about Rosh Hashana and knead and shape holiday Challah.

Thursday, September 26
7:00 PM


Holiday Programs

Community Rosh Hashana Dinner

Welcoming the new year together with rich tradition and delicious food

Enjoy apples dipped in honey, fresh challah, pomegranates,
and delicious home-made brisket

Wednesday, October 2
6:30 PM

Proceeded by Rosh Hashana Services at 6:00 PM

Rosh Hashana Experience

An uplifting, concise Rosh Hashana experience

Our abridged family-friendly service combines the core elements of Rosh Hashana in under an hour! Reflect on the significance of the day, hear the soul-stirring sounds of the shofar, and take part in the traditional tastes of Rosh Hashana.

Followed by a light dinner and camaraderie.

Thursday, October 2
5:30 PM

High Holiday Services

Join us for warm, traditional Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur services

Rosh Hashana: Wednesday-Friday, October 2-4
Yom Kippur: Friday-Saturday, October 11-12


Please consider partnering with us this High Holiday season by making a donation for our High Holiday appeal.